Our Bakery


12037 Pecos St
Westminster, CO 80234
(120th, west of I-25)


Tue:8 - 4
Wed:8 - 4
Thu:8 - 4
Fri:8 - 4
Sat:9 - 2
Sun:9 - 2

Latest News

Join us at Holidaily (Golden location) for Oktoberfest on Sept 7 from 11 -7 where we'll be offering up soft pretzels, beer cheese dip, meatball subs, and more!

Our Products

In addition to our bakery being dedicated gluten free, we offer some dairy free and other allergen free options. To see photos and descriptions of some of our most popular items, click the button below.

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Come See Us

It's a short drive from the following areas: Denver, Westminster, Arvada, Broomfield, Northglenn, Thornton, Lafayette, Louisville, Superior, Boulder, Erie, Firestone or just about anywhere in the north metro area.